Permission to Feel introduces readers to RULER, a 5-step strategy to ensure the emotional wellbeing of yourself and your child. Marc Brackett is a professor in Yale University's Child Study Center and founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is presented, not as a rare gift, but a skill that we can all develop. The RULER system provides a logical and clear approach to developing emotional skills, such as emotional vocabulary and correct use of thought reframing. I wished that I knew about the mind body connection as a child, so was delighted to read of Marc's efforts to introduce RULER into schools - not an easy task as you'll see...
It is Marc's mission to help the many children and adults suffering due to a lack of awareness of their feelings and a lack of emotional skills. For all ages the RULER system feels practical and achievable for reducing stress and burnout.
Permission to Feel - Marc Brackett